4 Tips That Helped Me To Overcome Imposter Syndrome


Do you ever experience imposter syndrome? 

For years as a veterinarian and then again as a coach and entrepreneur I experienced imposter syndrome. I constantly felt like I wasn’t good enough and didn’t belong. 

When I looked around, I felt like everyone around me was so much smarter and talented than I was. 

And you know what? That was total BS. I was actually doing a really amazing job.

I had worked hard to get where I was and I belonged right where I was.

The only part of me that didn’t belong there: those negative thoughts that were weighing me down.

If you’re experiencing similar thoughts, here are 4 tips that will help you start seeing yourself in a totally new light.

4 Tips That Helped Me To Recover From Imposter Syndrome:

1. I reminded myself that I would much prefer a job that pushed and challenged me instead of one that always felt easy and "safe" but was boring.

I could play it safe and have a job that never stressed me out, but in reality I didn't want that. I liked that my job was rarely boring and I realized that the stress was a sign that I cared about my job and the impact I was having on lives.

2. I stopped seeing mistakes or "fails" as proof that I didn't belong and started seeing them as a symbol that I was pushing myself and growing. I used each mistake as an opportunity to learn how to be even better at my job. 

Ditching judgment and embracing curiosity is a rule I live by in all aspects of life. When I stopped judging myself for my mistakes or perceived "fails" and got curious about them, they became an incredibly powerful and valuable tool for growth. When I started doing this, I stopped getting caught in the judgment and self-doubt cycle.

I addressed the mistake or perceived "fail", learned everything I could from it, then let it go so that I could show up as an even stronger veterinarian/coach/human instead of one weighed down by all my self-doubts (which benefited no one).

3. I started writing down my little wins and successes at the end of every day.

My brain was super good at pointing out all the little things that I didn't do "perfectly", yet it missed all of the really awesome things and positive moments in my day. That's because my brain needed a filter change.

Brains have a filter called the reticular activating system that decides what information to bring into your conscious awareness. That's why if you buy a red car, you suddenly see red cars everywhere. It's not that there are more red cars on the road suddenly, it's that your brain now thinks they're important to point out.

Your brain filter looks for evidence that supports your beliefs, so if you think, "I don't know what I'm doing" or "I don't belong" then your brain is going to point out every time you feel unsure or you make a mistake and it will FEEL like that belief is true instead of noticing all of the times you actually totally know what you're doing and you do an amazing job.

Writing down my successes helped to reprogram my brain to start noticing all the proof that I was actually doing a really good job and totally belonged right where I was.

I can't emphasize enough what a powerful exercise this is to gain self-confidence and overcome your inner critic. Give it a try for one week. At the end of the week, read back all of your successes. It's such a happiness boost and you'll be shocked at how many you have already forgotten! 

4. I realized that these thoughts were actually really common and that I wasn't alone or uniquely flawed.

When you're experiencing imposter syndrome, it feels like you're the only one experiencing those doubts and feelings like you don't belong or deserve to be where you are. You are SO not alone.

The more people I talked to, the more I realized that almost everyone experiences the same thoughts of self-doubt and Imposter syndrome - even people who outwardly seem totally confident and to have it all together. Realizing that I wasn't alone helped me to stop making such a big deal about those thoughts.

Instead, I was able to start calling out those negative thoughts (my inner critic). I stopped accepting them as truths, and recognized them for what they were: limiting beliefs. When I noticed those thoughts showing up, I talked back to them and called out why they weren't true (or productive). I started using the other tips listed to reframe those thoughts into more positive and supportive ones. 

Anti-anxiety tools like Faster EFT and the ones I teach in the "Anti-Anxiety Tools That Actually Work" video are powerful pattern interrupts any time you notice your inner critic showing up. Something as simple as rubbing your two finger tips together will help to take away your inner critic's power and to shift your brain and nervous system into a calmer and more positive state. Test it out and notice how it changes things!

Which of these tips are you going to try this week?


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